SQL Server Can't Handle Milliseconds

A Broken WatchI've started up a new job, and one of the tasks I'm going to have to tackle is creating a system where nearly every record has an effective date: only the information with the most current date that has happened so far is considered in use. This means that I've got to do some crazy date manipulation to keep things running smoothly. While working on some stored procedures, I found an issue with SQL Server and its handling of datetime values when incrementing in milliseconds.

The Task

I need to setup a stored procedure that takes in information for a given record that is set to be effective on a certain day. The system should automatically inspect the database for existing entries for this record on that day and pick the next closest possible datetime value for use when inserting to the database. To accomplish this task I decided to use SQL Server's DATEADD() function, and the ms, or millisecond, date part since its the smallest unit handled by a standard datetime column.

The Problem

When incrementing a given datetime by 1 millisecond, SQL Server doesn't understand that there was a change in value. For example, try running the following code:

DECLARE @TestDatetime datetime;
DECLARE @Increment int;
DECLARE @TestDatetimeWithIncrement datetime;

SET @TestDatetime = '2010-10-19 12:00:00.000';

SET @Increment = 1;

SET @TestDatetimeWithIncrement = DATEADD(ms, @Increment, @TestDatetime);

SELECT @TestDatetime AS TestDateTime, @Increment AS MillisecondIncrement, @TestDatetimeWithIncrement AS TestPlusIncrement, CASE @TestDatetime WHEN @TestDatetimeWithIncrement THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Match, DATEDIFF(ms, @TestDatetime, @TestDatetimeWithIncrement) AS MillisecondDifference;

The result looks something like this:

TestDateTime 2010-10-19 12:00:00.000
MillisecondIncrement 1
TestPlusIncrement 2010-10-19 12:00:00.000
Match YES
MillisecondDifference 0

Thats no good... SQL Server can't figure out that I incremented the value at all. Whats even weird is if I try increasing the increment to 2:

TestDateTime 2010-10-19 12:00:00.000
MillisecondIncrement 2
TestPlusIncrement 2010-10-19 12:00:00.003
Match No
MillisecondDifference 3

Thats even worse... SQL Server knows it changed the value, but it gets its calculation wrong and thinks it increased by 3 milliseconds. At 3 milliseconds things seem ok, but increase to 4 milliseconds and you get this:

TestDateTime 2010-10-19 12:00:00.000
MillisecondIncrement 4
TestPlusIncrement 2010-10-19 12:00:00.003
Match No
MillisecondDifference 3

So SQL Server can't seem to get anything right on that. This lead me to believe that SQL Server is actually incrementing by some fraction of a millisecond and then rounding the value. This lead me to test sending the incremented value through DATEADD() a second time, and got pretty much the results I expected... incrementing by 8 was the worst:

DECLARE @TestDatetime datetime;
DECLARE @Increment int;
DECLARE @TestDatetimeWithIncrement datetime;

SET @TestDatetime = '2010-10-19 12:00:00.000';

SET @Increment = 8;

SET @TestDatetimeWithIncrement = DATEADD(ms, @Increment, @TestDatetime);

SELECT @TestDatetime AS TestDateTime, @Increment AS MillisecondIncrement, @TestDatetimeWithIncrement AS TestPlusIncrement, DATEDIFF(ms, @TestDatetime, @TestDatetimeWithIncrement) AS MillisecondDifference, DATEADD(ms, @Increment, @TestDatetimeWithIncrement) AS TestPlusIncrementX2, DATEDIFF(ms, @TestDatetime, DATEADD(ms, @Increment, @TestDatetimeWithIncrement)) AS X2MillisecondDifference;

Brought back:

TestDateTime 2010-10-19 12:00:00.000
MillisecondIncrement 8
TestPlusIncrement 2010-10-19 12:00:00.007
MillisecondDifference 6
TestPlusIncrementX2 2010-10-19 12:00:00.013
X2MillisecondDifference 13

Notice that it increments by 8, shows a 7 second difference, detects a 6 millisecond difference, and than when incremented again shows a 13 millisecond gap (6.5 ms per increment).

The Solution

I have no idea how to get around this error, so I cheated... incrementing by 10 seems to be reliable, so I went with it. Sure, its a cop, but it works, and really, 8,640,000 possible effective dates per day for any given record should be more than enough for anyone.



Dan G. Switzer, II's Gravatar Microsoft SQL Server has a 3.33ms precision when using the DATETIME datatype--which is what you're seeing. You should be safe if you increase your time by 4ms each cycle.
Jon Hartmann's Gravatar @Dan Thanks for that info: I could tell it wasn't accurate to individual milliseconds, but I'd not actually figured out the the precision. I ran 4ms increments through my test, and the MS count was 3, 6, and 10 when applied 3 times. Thats definitely consistent enough to keep from having repeated numbers, but I think I'm going to stick with 10ms, as it means that my values are also predictable.

Its weird, I'd have expected there to be 1ms precision if it displays down to the millisecond.
Andrew Deren's Gravatar If you are using SqlServer 2008 R2 you can use DateTime2 which has
precision of 100 ns.
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Jon Hartmann, July 2011

I'm Jon Hartmann and I'm a Javascript fanatic, UX/UI evangelist and former ColdFusion master. I blog about mysterious error messages, user interface design questions, and all things baffling and irksome about programming for the web.

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